Englisch » Polnisch

school-leaving certificate SUBST

I . leave1 <left, left> [li:v] VERB trans

1. leave (on foot):

2. leave (in vehicle):

3. leave (stop working):

4. leave school:

5. leave person, house:

6. leave message, object, stains:

8. leave JUR (give property):

II . leave1 <left, left> [li:v] VERB intr

1. leave (on foot):

2. leave (in vehicle):

leave2 [li:v] SUBST

1. leave kein Pl (vacation time):

urlop m

2. leave kein Pl form (permission):

compassionate leave SUBST kein Pl

I . leave off VERB trans

1. leave off light:

II . leave off VERB intr

leave out VERB trans

1. leave out (omit):

2. leave out (exclude):


leave-taking SUBST liter

maternity leave SUBST kein Pl

paternity leave SUBST kein Pl

shore leave SUBST

1. shore leave (permission):

2. shore leave (period):

sick leave SUBST kein Pl

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In general, employment at these employers are bound to a church membership, so in cases of leaving the church, the employment relationship shall be repealed.
The wilderness goat died, leaving the iniquities in the wilderness.
Due to the shortage of willing vampire donors, human drainers attack vampires and drain their entire blood supply, either staking the vamps or leaving victims to die in the sun.
But he soon left to work in Burma for two years, leaving her with her in-laws.
Within a week of leaving the nest the young birds are capable of hunting for mice on their own.
He attacks her, hitting her in the head with a spanner and leaving her to die.
Each 128 byte sector used the last 3 bytes for housekeeping data (bytes used, file number, next sector), leaving 125 bytes for data.
This will prevent the paint from smearing or leaving unwanted smudge marks.
Peel the pears top to bottom with a sharp vegetable peeler, leaving them whole, with stems attached and the core intact.
Sweet potatoes show clear lesions that grow rapidly leaving a recognizable watery and soft, oozy tissue where only the peel remains intact.

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