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home-made ADJ

ready-made ADJ

1. ready-made MODE:

() pronto(-a)

2. ready-made GASTRO:

3. ready-made:

conveniente übtr

tailor-made ADJ

I . make <made, made> [meɪk] VERB trans

2. make (cause):

3. make (cause to be):

5. make (force):

III . make [meɪk] SUBST (brand)

make do VERB intr

make for VERB trans insep

1. make for (head for):

2. make for (help to promote):

I . make out VERB intr

1. make out ugs (succeed, cope):

2. make out ugs (kiss passionately):

II . make out VERB trans

1. make out ugs (pretend):

2. make out (discern):

3. make out (write out):

I . make up VERB trans

1. make up (invent):

2. make up (compensate):

3. make up (decide):

II . make up VERB intr

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Women past puberty wore a small skirt of cotton, and the men might wear a loincloth made of plaited leaves or cotton.
His wife finally made him end expansion of the collection by imploring him to stop giving away our daughter's whole inheritance.
Attempting to call for emergency assistance reveals that no outgoing calls can be made.
It is made from a thick freshwater shrimp (crayfish) stock soup, potatoes, milk and chili pepper.
The album was somewhat successful and made a legit name for the group and the label.
This made him a more serious character, even displaying leadership qualities which had not been shown before or since.
However, at some point the mixdown master tape for this song was also lost, and apparently no backup copies had been made.
Unfortunately, when the capsule was pivoted to its stowing position behind the cockpit, it made it impossible to kayak roll due to being filled with water like a bucket.
Her boudoir boasted a custom-made bronze bathtub monogrammed with her intertwined initials.
Surely it did not need a financial whizz kid to work out there will be money to be made in this area.

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