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I . crane [kreɪn] SUBST

1. crane (for lifting):

Kran m <-(e)s, Krä·ne>

2. crane (bird):

Kranich m <-s, -e>

ˈcrane driv·er SUBST

crane driver
Kranführer(in) m (f) <-s, -; -, -nen>

ˈcrane fly SUBST

crane fly

crowned crane [kraʊndˈ-] SUBST ORN

crowned crane

trav·el·ling ˈcrane SUBST

crane fly SUBST

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

to crane one's neck

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

There will be sixteen major cranes for the loading and unloading of ships.
He built models of bridges, trucks and cranes, although the pieces they were made from were not interchangeable.
Historical installations, such as hand operated points, water cranes and rail fastened with hand hammered rail spikes, are characteristic features of heritage lines.
The wetlands attract the huge flocks of wintering cranes and geese that are the refuge's most interesting feature.
The crowned cranes occasionally interact with this species but, given those species largely terrestrial foraging patterns, this is uncommon.
They are typically equipped with storage facilities, living quarters, power generation facilities, cranes, and helicopter platforms.
Construction has already begun on the building with two tower cranes aiding it.
Two 30-ton cranes are fitted between the superstructure and the flight deck.
Provided with road and rail links, the harbor offers storage facilities and cranes able to lift up to 16-ton weights.
Unlike the similar-looking but unrelated herons, cranes fly with necks outstretched, not pulled back.

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