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I . rift [rɪft] SUBST

1. rift (open space):

Spalt m <-(e)s, -e>

2. rift GEOL:

[Erd]spalt m

3. rift übtr between +Dat:

rift (disagreement)
Spaltung f <-, -en> zwischen +Dat
rift (in friendship)
Bruch m <-(e)s>
to heal a rift

II . rift [rɪft] VERB intr GEOL

to rift away

III . rift [rɪft] VERB trans

to rift sth

rift ˈval·ley SUBST GEOG

rift valley
Grabenbruch m <-(e)s, -brüche> fachspr

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

to heal a rift

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

A very close election caused a rift in the football team.
But, he goes through a rift, and is told that his next sleep will put him in the tower.
A rift subsequently developed between her and her family that resulted in her having no contact with them for 25 years.
There are at least 20 hot springs, characteristic of a rift valley, in the valley or on its escarpments.
The rift zones and escarpments produced by mass wasting phenomena give the sea mount a star-shaped pattern.
Which side of the basin has the major fault or the hinge alternates along the rift.
The coastal cities were placed in defensible positions on islands or headlands situated so as to control inland routes up the rift valleys.
Several maar lakes exist in the rift valley adjacent to the volcano.
The most alkalic lavas erupted outside the rift.
There have been recent earthquakes along the rift valley, the most recent being in 2000.

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