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vita·min [ˈvɪtəmɪn, Am ˈvaɪt̬ə-] SUBST

Vitamin nt <-s, -e>
vitamin B12
vitamin B complex

ˈvita·min de·fi·cien·cy SUBST no pl

ˈvita·min pill SUBST

vitamin pill
Vitamintablette f <-, -n>

ˈvita·min sup·ple·ment SUBST

ˈvita·min tab·lets SUBST Pl

vitamin Biotin [ˌvɪtəmɪnˈbaɪətɪn], vitamin B7 SUBST

vitamin Biotin
vitamin Biotin

hypophosphatemic rickets [haɪpəfɒsˌfætəmɪkˈrɪkɪts], vitamin D resistant rickets

vitamin A rice, golden rice SUBST

vitamin A rice

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

They have been known to eat their own green, pellet feces to recover proteins and vitamins.
The resulting blend is mixed with water, citric acid, carotenoids, vitamins and milk powder.
This vitamin is essential for bodily functions such as converting carbohydrates into glucose, which produces energy for the body.
At least one preliminary study has found this vitamin may increase dream vividness or the ability to recall dreams.
In 2002, a review of these conditions identified about 50 that respond to high-dose vitamin therapy.
The steroids have also been replaced with vitamins.
The people met their vitamin requirements by eating raw animal products, such as muktuk (whale skin and blubber), meat and fish.
I have always been interested in health foods, vitamins; you know, the health thing.
However, their diet was low in iron and important vitamins.
The infant can not absorb vitamins for proper growth.

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