Englisch » Polnisch

rolling [ˈrəʊlɪŋ, Am ˈroʊ-] ADJ

1. rolling (gradual):


2. rolling hills:


3. rolling (swaying):

rolling gait [or step]

rolling mill SUBST

1. rolling mill (machine):

rolling mill

2. rolling mill (factory):

rolling mill

rolling pin SUBST

rolling pin

rolling stock SUBST kein Pl

rolling stock

I . roll [rəʊl, Am roʊl] VERB trans

1. roll (push object):

toczyć [perf prze-]

2. roll (turn):

6. roll dice:

II . roll [rəʊl, Am roʊl] VERB intr

2. roll plane, ship:

3. roll ugs (move swayingly):

5. roll liquid:

6. roll (bend):

7. roll (be in operation):

the camera is rolling

III . roll [rəʊl, Am roʊl] SUBST

2. roll (small bread):

bułka f

3. roll kein Pl (swinging movement):

4. roll (turning over):

6. roll (list of names):

lista f
wykaz m

7. roll JUR:

8. roll (throwing dice):


to be on a roll

roll-on roll-off ADJ

roll-on roll-off ship, ferry:

kitchen roll SUBST kein Pl Brit

roll back VERB trans

1. roll back carpet:

2. roll back AM prices, tax:

3. roll back power, influence:

4. roll back enemy:

roll in VERB intr

1. roll in (arrive casually):

2. roll in übtr ugs money, invitations:

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The empty bookcase in the field continues to stand before the rolling hills and bright blue sky.
Rolling hills covered in sparse vegetation and deep snowdrifts make this a relatively safe and open area for new hunters.
We think the commonwealth is facing huge difficulty in rolling over their maturing debt.
Once it is at a rolling boil, so the entire surface is bubbling vigorously, draw off the heat.
The roll maneuver or its variations are used and involves rolling the patient 360 degrees in a series of steps to reposition the particles.
Nevertheless, to meet the requirement of new rolling stock, three new production workshops were set up.
The agency is currently in the process of rolling out a new blue and green ribbons design.
Seat roller tracks were permanently attached to the floor and seat stanchions were aligned, fascillitating the longitiudinal rolling of the seats.
Unlike most other species, bobak marmots prosper on rolling grasslands and on the edge of cultivated fields.
The demurrage fees were thought to promote the rapid return of rolling stock, since delays equated to extra money spent.

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