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Übersetzungen für taking im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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I . tak·ing [ˈteɪkɪŋ] SUBST

1. taking (receipts):

takings Pl
prejemki m Pl

2. taking MED:

taking (consumption)
to be there for the taking (for free)
to be there for the taking (not settled)

II . tak·ing [ˈteɪkɪŋ] ADJ


ˈdrug tak·ing SUBST no Pl

drug taking

ˈhos·tage-tak·ing SUBST no Pl

ˈleave-tak·ing SUBST no Pl

ˈprof·it-tak·ing SUBST no Pl

I . take [teɪk] SUBST

1. take no Pl (money received):

2. take (filming of a scene):

to be on the take Am ugs

II . take <took, taken> [teɪk] VERB trans

7. take (receive):

8. take chess piece:

krasti [perf ukrasti]
take MATH

9. take (travel by):

iti s/z

10. take (eat, consume):

jemati [perf vzeti]

11. take (capture):

zasedati [perf zasesti]

12. take (assume):

14. take (have):

15. take Brit (sit exam):

17. take (earn):

18. take (write):

19. take (photograph):

20. take (for example):

take last week/me, ...

21. take (assume to be):

I take it [that] ...
predvidevam, [da] ...

III . take <took, taken> [teɪk] VERB intr

1. take (have effect):

2. take (become):

take after VERB intr to take after sb

take along VERB trans

jemati s seboj [perf vzeti s seboj]

I . take apart VERB trans

1. take (disassemble):

2. take ugs (analyse critically):

II . take apart VERB intr

take away VERB trans

1. take (remove, deprive of):

2. take (lead away):

3. take food:

take Brit Aus
Brit Aus to take away

take back VERB trans

1. take (retract):

2. take (return):

vračati [perf vrniti]

3. take (transmit in thought):

4. take (repossess):

take down VERB trans

1. take (write down):

3. take (disassemble):

podirati [perf podreti]

4. take (bring downstairs):

5. take (lower):

take in VERB trans

1. take (bring inside):

2. take (accommodate):

3. take (admit):

5. take (deceive):

varati [perf prevarati]

6. take (understand):

7. take (include):

8. take (have examined or repaired):

10. take MODE:

ožiti [perf zožiti]

I . take off VERB trans

2. take (bring away):

3. take (stop):

4. take (not work):

5. take (subtract):

6. take Brit (imitate):

to take offsb

II . take off VERB intr

1. take (leave the ground):

2. take ugs:

odhajati [perf oditi]

3. take (have sudden success):

uspevati [perf uspeti]

take on VERB trans

1. take (agree to do):

2. take (assume):

3. take (employ):

4. take (compete against):

take out VERB trans

1. take (remove):

jemati ven [perf vzeti ven]

2. take (bring outside):

4. take Am (take away):

jemati s seboj [perf vzeti s seboj]

5. take (deduct):

6. take (obtain):

jemati [perf vzeti]
dvigati [perf dvigniti]

7. take (vent anger):

8. take ugs (exhaust):

I . take over VERB trans

1. take (seize control):

2. take (assume):

to take oversth [for sb]

II . take up VERB intr (start to associate with)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

One situation where starch may be less effective than glucose or sucrose is when a person is taking acarbose.
The band is then shown taking a lift out of the garage, while the officer is still investigating.
Taking clear inspiration from the 16-bit era, it also manages to provide a modern, electro-swing-infused euphony.
Private warehouses were taking imported goods from the docks and charging shippers storage fees.
He also started taking bassoon lessons, but soon gave those up after almost choking to death on one of its reeds.
A right-handed batsman scoring over 7538 runs and slow right-hand bowler taking 119 wickets in 258 matches.
Upon the occasion of his taking the oath as chief rabbi, administered by the government officials, his hat was handed him to cover himself.
He began to develop a key interest in films studies while taking his theology courses in the early 1960s.
They love humans, taking some for mates, and are nearly ageless.
Birth defects in a child whose father was taking azathioprine have also been reported.

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