floor im Oxford Spanish Dictionary

Übersetzungen für floor im Englisch»Spanisch-Wörterbuch

I.floor [Am flɔr, Brit flɔː] SUBST

floor-length [ˈflɔrlɛŋ(k)θ, ˈflɔrlɛnθ] ADJ

floor im PONS Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für floor im Englisch»Spanisch-Wörterbuch (Springe zu Spanisch»Englisch)

I.floor [flɔ:ʳ, Am flɔ:r] SUBST

II.floor [flɔ:ʳ, Am flɔ:r] VERB trans (knock down)

Übersetzungen für floor im Spanisch»Englisch-Wörterbuch (Springe zu Englisch»Spanisch)

Weitere Übersetzungen und typische Wortverbindungen mit dem Suchbegriff
tiled floor

floor Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

to go up to the third floor
Amerikanisches Englisch

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The first floor of the structure is faced with rusticated granite stonework.
On the interior the home's ground floor consists of a stairway, reception room, living room, dining room, kitchen and pantry.
Use elements of it, do a wall light and maybe a lovely floor lamp then pick more classic shapes in sofas.
The building contains only 12 apartments: a ground floor maisonette, 10 full-floor apartments and a multi-floor penthouse.
Large buildings have been built and a 16 floor modern apartment block is being planned.
They then proceeded - some sprawled on the floor like teenagers - to fire off emergency appeals to judges.
The second floor contains the castle owners's former library, a central patio, a solarium, the living room, dining room, and the kitchen.
The oratory is accessible from the first floor through the wide arcade.
The upper floor was once reserved for habitation, but is now uninhabited.
They were erected over a rectangular pit and varied from four to twenty square meters of floor area, which could accommodate a typical nuclear family.

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