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maj·es·ty [ˈmæʤəsti] SUBST

1. majesty no pl (beauty):

Herrlichkeit f <-, -en>
Würde f <-, -n>

2. majesty (royal title):

Bri·tan·nic Maj·es·ty [brɪˌtænɪkˈmæʤəsti] SUBST

lese-maj·es·ty [ˌleɪzˈ-, Am ˌli:zˈ-] SUBST no pl

1. lese-majesty (treason):

Hochverrat m <-(e)s> kein pl

2. lese-majesty (insult):

Majestätsbeleidigung f <-, -en> veraltet iron

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Crown copyright, published with the approval of her majesty's stationary office.
Ostensibly with a view to the expiation of his father's crime, he professed himself anxious to venture his life and his fortune for his majesty's restoration.

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