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Übersetzungen für buy off im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Deutsch » Englisch)

buy off VERB trans

to buy off sb
jdn kaufen ugs

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

According to accounts confirmed by media reports and health officials, the company tried to buy off critics and cover up the contamination.
The rinses you get at your dentist's office are more powerful than those you buy off the shelf.
I'll buy off your daughter and pay well more than you owe...
One miner said mine officials buy off judges and have political connections.
It was also entitled with a concession to operate foreign currencies and buy off credits issued by foreign companies and banks.
Often a case pivots on the testimonies of the young victims and that means defendants are often tempted to buy off families.
Big corporations can buy off politicians to ensure profits.
He also called for discipline to only buy off-the-shelf products and to only offer off-the-shelf products.
The railways responded by purchasing about a fourth of the canal system, in part to get the right of way, and in part to buy off critics.
Just because you buy off the manufacturers with more money for them, and you buy off the farmers, doesn't change what it is.

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