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rail2 [reɪl] SUBST (bird)

Ralle f <-, -n>

I . rail3 [reɪl] SUBST

1. rail no pl (transport system):

Bahn f <-, -en>
by rail
mit der Bahn [o. CH, A a. dem Zug]
by rail

2. rail (railway track):

Schiene f <-, -n>

4. rail (to hang things on):

[hanging] rail
Halter m <-s, ->
[hanging] rail
Stange f <-, -n>
clothes rail
Kleiderstange f <-, -n>
curtain rail
curtain rail
Gardinenstange f <-, -n>

5. rail (at racecourse):

Absperrung f <-, -en>
Umzäunung f <-, -en>

II . rail3 [reɪl] SUBST modifier

rail (pass, strike, worker):

rail ticket
Fahrschein m <-(e)s, -e>
rail ticket
Bahn-/Zugbillet nt CH
rail ticket
Fahrkarte f <-, -n> A
rail travel
Bahnfahrt f <-, -en>
rail travel
CH, A a. Zugfahrt f

ˈcur·tain rail SUBST

curtain rail
Vorhangschiene f <-, -n>

ˈgrab rail SUBST

grab rail

ˈguard rail SUBST

1. guard rail (hand rail, protective rail):

guard rail

2. guard rail Am (crash barrier):

guard rail
Leitplanke f <-, -n>

I . Inter-Rail® [ˌɪntəˈreɪl, Am -t̬ɚˈ-] SUBST

II . Inter-Rail® [ˌɪntəˈreɪl, Am -t̬ɚˈ-] VERB intr

ˈpic·ture rail SUBST

rail in VERB trans

to rail in sth

rail off VERB trans

to rail off sth

ˈrail fare SUBST

rail fare
Fahrpreis m <-es, -e>

ˈrail freight SUBST no pl

rail freight
Bahnfracht f <-, -en>
rail freight (load of goods)
Bahntransport m <-(e)s, -e>

ˈrail link SUBST

rail link
Bahnverbindung f <-, -en>

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

rail terminal
Endstation f <-, -en>
bath rail
rail smash
Zugunglück nt <-(e)s, -e>
rail link
Zugverbindung f <-, -en>
rail travel
Bahnfahrt f <-, -en>
curtain rail
[hanging] rail
Stange f <-, -n>
by rail
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rail ticket
Fahrschein m <-(e)s, -e>
clothes rail
Kleiderstange f <-, -n>
rail line
Eisenbahnlinie f <-, -n>
rail disaster
Eisenbahnunglück nt <-(e)s, -e>
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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

An indefinite rail strike entered its second day but one of the three union federations involved pulled out.
The rails were used for rail cars to dump soil around the trestle.
The rail car ramp/doors were opened and closed via forklift.
In total 5,100 km of rail network are used.
These proved impractical for transport by road or rail, and so the milk churn was introduced, based on the tall conical shape of the butter churn.
However, about 60% of the railway network are currently unused due to damage like landslides, washouts and rail theft.
The tunnel was built with provision for a future rail line underneath.
Cotton is a beanpole of a man, six foot five and rail-thin, with a long face, prominent nose, and eyes that tilt down at the corners.
The horizontal component would be alleviated by either sliding recoil or rail clamps, guys or struts to secure the mount in place.
The railway may be standard gauge, narrow gauge, light rail, monorail or a suspension railway.

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