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Übersetzungen für gong im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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gong [gɒŋ, Am gɑ:ŋ] SUBST

1. gong (instrument):

Gong m <-s, -s>

2. gong Brit, Aus ugs (award):

Auszeichnung f <-, -en>
to pick up [or win] a gong [for sth]


to be all gong and no dinner scherzh

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

to sound the gong
a gong resounded
to be all gong and no dinner scherzh
to pick up [or win] a gong [for sth]

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Not to be confused with the planet gongs.
The synthetic one-liners that pass for humor and sentiment... are struck regularly, like gongs...
The piece alternates in this way until it ends with a deceleration leading to the final gong.
It is technically a kind of gong, but is placed on its side and is roughly as tall as it is wide.
The tone of the sound generated depends on the shape and size of the bell or gong resonator.
The gong suwukan or gong siyem is the smaller gong in the set used for smaller phrases.
Once their ladder is 100% percent, they race to the top and hit their gong.
He teaches a classical program of philosophy, religion, meditation, chi gong, and martial arts.
It has 16 tuned bossed gongs in a rattan frame and is played with two beaters.
The music that accompanies it is played on typical instruments like the gong ching (a tribal drum), along with other drums and pipes.

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