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pe·nal [ˈpi:nəl] ADJ inv

1. penal attr (of punishment):


2. penal (severe):

a penal rate of tax on tobacco

pe·nal auˈthor·ity SUBST JUR

ˈpe·nal code SUBST

penal code
Strafgesetzbuch nt <-(e)s, -bücher>

ˈpe·nal colo·ny SUBST

penal colony
Strafkolonie f <-, -n>

pe·nal ˈcourt SUBST JUR

penal court
Strafgericht nt <-(e)s, -e>

pe·nal in·sti·ˈtu·tion SUBST

penal institution
Strafanstalt f <-, -en>

ˈpe·nal law SUBST

penal law
Strafgesetz nt <-es, -e>

ˈpe·nal of·fence SUBST

penal offence
Straftat f <-, -en>

pe·nal re·ˈform SUBST

pe·nal ˈsen·tence SUBST

ˈpe·nal ser·vi·tude SUBST

pe·nal ˈset·tle·ment SUBST

penal settlement
Strafkolonie f <-, -n>

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

penal servitude JUR
Zuchthaus nt <-es, -häuser-es> kein pl
the penal code
Strafgesetzbuch nt <-(e)s, -bücher>
a penal rate of tax on tobacco

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

With the penal colony and its barrier a thing of the past, the surrounding lands have been invaded by orcs.
In 1986 the government closed the penal colony and opened the island to visitors.
There were reipersecutory actions available in addition to penal actions, those actions which followed from a finding of theft but were additional to it.
During the early years of the government, many political prisoners were sentenced to penal labour.
At the same time, he practiced law with a specialty in penal law.
He was offered the choice of seven years' penal transportation or one hour in the pillory, and chose the latter.
This law went as far as declaring the cutting or possession of the grass to be a penal offense.
A penal settlement in the area was considered but rejected.
Over twenty years, thousands of convicts passed through the penal colony.
A short distance to the south-west and of presumed earlier date is a "mass rock", which would have been used for worship during penal times.

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