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Übersetzungen für send-up im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ˈsend-up SUBST ugs

Parodie f <-, -di̱·en>
to do a send-up of sb/sth

send up VERB trans

2. send up Am (incarcerate):

to send up sb

3. send up ugs (parody):

to send up sb

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

to do a send-up of sb/sth

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The book is to a large extent a send-up of the hardboiled school of crime writing.
The final act consisted of a slapstick musical plantation skit or a send-up of a popular play.
By standing on its own outside of continuity, the episode gives itself plenty of room to send-up the series premise and its early internet fandom.
This film does contain some humorous moments, but it's not of the spoof or send-up variety.
It was an absolutely brilliant, deadpan send-up of adventure comics, but with a very edgy, modernist kind of approach.
The actor uses a send-up of his personal problems to make general comments on social and political grievances or human character flaws.
It's a brilliant send-up of the white fear of having black people in their neighborhoods.
It was more like modern burlesque: a send-up, a parody of stripping.
Butler suggests to her readers that this sly send-up of the "status quo" is the only script for resistance that life offers...
She won't condescend, she won't do the bogan send-up.

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