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I . slog [slɒg, Am slɑ:g] SUBST

1. slog no pl ugs:

slog (hard work)
Schufterei f <-, -en> ugs
slog (hard work)
Plackerei f <-> ugs
slog (strenuous hike)
Marsch m <-(e)s, Mär·sche> scherzh
slog (strenuous hike)
Hatscher m A

2. slog (hit):


II . slog <-gg-> [slɒg, Am slɑ:g] VERB intr ugs

1. slog (walk):

2. slog (work):

to slog through sth

III . slog <-gg-> [slɒg, Am slɑ:g] VERB trans ugs

slog away VERB intr ugs

slog away
sich Akk abrackern ugs
to slog away at [or on] sth
sich Akk mit etw Dat abmühen ugs

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

to slog the ball SPORT
to slog away at [or on] sth
sich Akk mit etw Dat abmühen ugs

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Slog sweeps are usually directed over square-leg rather than to mid-wicket.
The track is a long, hard uphill slog, notwithstanding its share of picturesque scenery.
Bearing in mind that they probably spent a large part of their time slogging uphill or coasting down this was probably not too important.
The actor has slogged it out and the diligence shows.
An extended set-piece slogging match between the lightly armed tribesmen and the well organized heavy legionaries usually spelled doom for the tribal fighters.
At the later stages of the innings he was forced to stand and slog.
The fighting is tough, the slogging is slow, and the resistance is stiff.
Now that the show has been revised and restaged, this centerpiece anthem of struggle over adversity may become a metaphor for its slog towards redemption.
A slog sweep is a slog played from the kneeling position used to sweep.
What's left is a linear slog through a series of similar missions.

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