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Übersetzungen für sound out im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Like any plucked instrument, mandolin notes decay to silence rather than sound out continuously as with a bowed note on a violin.
This system is used to sound out a word and spell it.
The other mechanism is the "nonlexical" or "sublexical route", which is the process whereby the reader can sound out a written word.
Instead of trying to force a sound out of the string one should allow the natural sounds emit from the strings.
Herb tried, but he hated practicing clarinet, and could hardly get a sound out.
Each team has two minutes to sound out three puzzles.
Children who had almost two years experience with cochlear implants were able to generate diphthongs and sound out most vowels.
Vocabulary in these books remains largely phonic, but ventures into words using familiar spelling patterns, so still easier to sound out than normal text.
Some fire sirens are fitted with brakes and dampers, enabling them to sound out codes as well.
The dancers begin to perform, but the fiddler can not get any sound out of his instrument.

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