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spree [spri:] SUBST

Gelage nt <-s, ->
to go [out] on a drinking spree
killing spree
Gemetzel nt <-s, ->
shopping spree
Einkaufstour f <-, -en>

ˈspend·ing spree SUBST

spending spree
Großeinkauf m <-(e)s, -käufe>
to go on a spending spree

shopping spree [ˈʃɒpɪŋˌspriː] SUBST

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

killing spree
Gemetzel nt <-s, ->
shopping spree
Einkaufstour f <-, -en>
to go on a spending spree
to go [out] on a drinking spree

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The westerners went on a scoring spree during the match, capturing 12 inside two minutes.
His men, free of his restraint, embark on a crime spree.
Where they fulfill five lucky men's dreams by giving them an unforgettable date and almost half a million shopping spree.
To strengthen her version of events, she goes on a destructive spree through the house.
She is always the last villain to be packed up for international stealing sprees and sometimes even misses her get-away car.
It went on a building spree, quickly doubling the amount of electrified track in the system.
Spree also launches a more general trend toward the serialization of the series.
They discovered $500,000 in cash, which they spent over a period of a six-month shopping spree, as one of them later testified.
The three go on a shopping spree with the stolen money.
The mentioned injury hampered his scoring spree slightly for just the then next season.

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