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ton <pl - [or -s]> [tʌn] SUBST

1. ton (unit of measurement):

Tonne f <-, -n>

2. ton übtr ugs:

a ton[or tons] of sth how many cars does he have? — tons


to do a ton esp Brit ugs
mit 160 Sachen fahren ugs veraltend

gross ˈton SUBST

long ˈton SUBST

met·ric ˈton SUBST

short ˈton SUBST esp Am

ton-up [ˈtʌnʊp] ADJ Brit ugs


turnover number (TON) SUBST

tons of ... ugs
Tonnen von ... ugs

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

a ton[or tons] of sth how many cars does he have? — tons

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Proven reserves are reported to be 771 million tons.
They built computers with huge central processors and fed them tons of raw facts.
The country holds about 4 billion tons of proven recoverable oil reserves and 2,000 cubic kilometers (480 cu mi) of gas.
Provided that further additions did not exceed 3,000 tons, existing capital ships were allowed to be upgraded with improved torpedo bulges and deck armor.
Over 200 tons of explosives, 80 landmines attached to parachutes and 800 firebomb canisters were dropped.
Thousands of specimens, hundreds of tons of bones, have been recovered from the bottom of the North Sea, termed doggerland, and continue to be recovered.
Not that a football would flake out when stacked with a couple tons of highly paid head-busters, but that another layer of meaning could emerge from a common object.
The shippers and consumers in these states depend on the inland waterways to move about 630 million tons of cargo valued at over $73 billion annually.
In 2009, the field produced through 41 oil wells 1.181 million tons of oil, equal to.
In conjunction with their Guatemalan counterparts, they evacuated 48 victims and delivered nearly 200 tons of food, medical supplies and communications equipment.

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