spit out im PONS Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für spit out im Englisch»Serbisch-Wörterbuch

spit1 [spɪt] SUBST

I.spit2 [spɪt] SUBST ugs

II.spit2 <-tt-, spat [or spit], spat [or spit]> [spɪt] VERB intr

III.spit2 <-tt-, spat [or spit], spat [or spit]> [spɪt] VERB trans (out of mouth)

I.out [aʊt] ADJ izvan

III.out [aʊt] VERB trans to out sb

IV.out [aʊt] PRÄP ugs

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The song was a minor college radio hit, and has been called a bit chilling, even though it's spit out at slam-pit's pace.
The wash is typically swished or gargled for about half a minute and then spit out.
It also caused fissures that spit out black water.
He has a prehensile tongue that can extend a surprising distance, allowing him to eat almost anything; anything that can't be eaten can be spit out at enemies.
They discard the skin, eat the flesh, and spit out the seeds.
He would put the fish into one side of his mouth and at the same time spit out the bones of the previous fish from the other side.
When having eaten a sufficient amount of food, shriekers will spit out a cocoon containing a mini version of themselves.
Most species consume the pulp and spit out intact seeds within a short distance of the parent tree.
This enables the body to make keep or spit out decisions when there is more than one tastant present.
According to legend, a boy went into the forest after church and spit out his communion wafer.

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