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crime [kraɪm] SUBST

2. crime no pl, no Art (criminal acts collectively):

3. crime (shameful act):

Sünde f <-, -n> übtr

com·ˈput·er crime SUBST

crime-bust·ing [ˈkrɑimbʌstɪŋ] SUBST form

crime-fight·ing [ˈkraɪmfaɪtɪŋ] SUBST no pl

ˈcrime la·bora·tory SUBST

ˈcrime watch SUBST Am

ˈcrime wave SUBST

ˈcrime writ·er SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He gained fame for his crimes, escape from arrest, and his high-profile recapture and trial.
The philosophy was that minor violations should not result in revocation, and that new crimes should be dealt with through prosecution as a new offense.
Then included property crimes like: burglary, arson, larceny or theft, and motor vehicle theft per city.
Police said the stickup may be linked to similar crimes in the area.
A large portion of the prisoner population consists of hard core felons who committed violent crimes, such as murder.
No nation is entirely guiltless of such crimes.
It urged all states to ensure that such crimes did not remain unpunished, reaffirming the obligations of parties involved in armed conflict to comply with international law.
We have laws against hate crimes, but nobody has a right not to be offended, he said.
Its function also included the authority to take action to prevent crimes and prosecute and arrest law-breakers.
Many types of unruly conduct may fit the definition of disorderly conduct, as such statutes are often used as catch-all crimes.

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