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Übersetzungen für dented im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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I . dent [dent] SUBST

1. dent (hollow):

Beule f <-, -n>
Delle f <-, -n>

II . dent [dent] VERB trans

1. dent (put a dent in):

2. dent übtr (have adverse effect on):

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Other flooring is made from inch-thick mahogany which dented the tools of electricians and telephone mechanics who attempted to string new wiring in the 1950s.
The outdoor clothing and accessories retailer says an unusually warm start to winter has dented one of its key sales periods, with a downturn over the past five weeks.
The news rather dented the group's pure and self-righteous image.
They left the dented sample on a window sill.
Although the accident left her pride more dented than her car, the incident was a turning point for the feisty and energetic 30-year-old trainee teacher.
The triangular bell on the album cover was inspired by a tubular bell he had dented while playing.
Head and chest are black-brown, antennae darkbrown, forewings black-brown with some violet shine and 3 dented transversal lines.
He had the soldier's hat, the worn knapsack, the dented canteen.
Other military corporations been dented on the share market.
The armor would be left badly dented but still serviceable.

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