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I . ditch <pl -es> [dɪtʃ] SUBST

II . ditch [dɪtʃ] VERB trans

1. ditch (discard):

to ditch sth
to ditch a getaway car
to ditch a proposal

2. ditch (get away from):

to ditch sb/sth

3. ditch (sack):

to ditch sb
jdn entlassen [o. ugs feuern]

4. ditch (end relationship):

to ditch sb
to ditch sb

5. ditch (to land):

to ditch a plane
to ditch a plane

III . ditch [dɪtʃ] VERB intr LUFTF

draining ditch SUBST

straight ditch, straight canal SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The small fort was defended by earthenwork and by two small ditches.
It was protected by a deep dry moat or fortification ditch.
Areas covered by forests, ditches and roads total 0.12 km, while building areas amount to 0.10 km, and wasteland covers 0.11 km.
Beside "rak" (the plural of the "a" stem word "r", price) "rok" also exists (ditch).
Fields are generally large and bounded by drainage ditches.
The name is identical with the word "ll" which means ditch or gully.
He built houses and storage rooms, and an irrigation ditch to power his grain mill.
The tree also makes an excellent landscape tree in moist areas, especially along roads and ditches where a good amount of water can be available.
Small scale excavations were made in 2012 revealing the depth of the ditches.
It is at the head of a valley opening south to the sea, surrounded by a ditch over 8m wide and at present 1.8m deep.

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