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Übersetzungen für mitigating im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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miti·gat·ing [ˈmɪtɪgeɪtɪŋ, Am -t̬ɪgeɪt̬-] ADJ inv form

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

to allow mitigating circumstances JUR

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Because the court system allows nearly any mitigating evidence during sentencing, brain scans have not faced as many hurdles for this application.
The vegetation surrounding the stream helps to shade the water, mitigating water temperature changes.
The pedestrian bridge was another mitigating concession promised.
Counsel presented no mitigating evidence to the jury at the sentencing phase.
Also, the judges must take into account any rehabilitative concerns that would alter the nature and reduce the severity of the sentence by mitigating factors.
The notation may assist in discovering suitable mitigating or preventative goals, shown as subsidiary use cases.
Consequently, youth was now perceived as a mitigating factor in sentencing, and the death penalty for juveniles was abolished.
He escapes the noose owing to mitigating circumstances.
These toads would allow predators to learn not to eat the toads while mitigating mortality.
Additionally, nuclear criticality safety is concerned with mitigating the consequences of a nuclear criticality accident.

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