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na·tion·al ˈser·vice SUBST no pl Brit, Aus

I . Na·tion·al ˈHealth Ser·vice, NHS Brit SUBST

II . Na·tion·al ˈHealth Ser·vice, NHS Brit SUBST modifier

National Health Service dentist, hospital:

≈ Kassen-
Kassenarzt(-ärztin) m (f)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

After completing national service in 1952, he resumed his work on optics.
Full-time field organizers and volunteer district captains engage key supporters in targeted local areas to build support for national service.
The following season he appeared in two further finals but was unable to make the premiership decider due to his national service training.
After national service, he taught in primary, secondary modern and grammar schools.

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