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Übersetzungen für observance im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ob·ser·vance [əbˈzɜ:vən(t)s, Am -ˈzɜ:r-] SUBST form

1. observance REL:

observance (practice)
Einhaltung f <-, -en>
observance (celebration)

2. observance (obedience):

observance law
to show observance of the rules

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

religious observance
to show observance of the rules

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It is one of many international observances declared for specific days, months and years.
They were visited regularly with offerings of food and wine, and special observances during religious festivals in honor of the dead.
The concept of holidays has most often originated in connection with religious observances.
Surrogates were permitted for religious observance, military service, legislative service, or physical disability.
It was a period of strict observance of the sovereignty principle.
Attempts to improve speed limit observance are usually by either education, enforcement or road engineering.
Some military training funds, including training in such issues as the laws of war and observance of human rights, also are provided.
The 1255 treaty included unique clauses concerning the ownership and inheritance of land, the social system, and exemption from certain restrictive religious observances.
This section lists some significant examples, in order of date of observance.
This vowed religious observance is begun if recommended by someone or if the thread of the anant tree is easily procured.

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