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Übersetzungen für offer up im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Some sources cite the verb as a composition of pro meaning up front or forward and situere, defined as to offer up for sale.
Typical lenders will offer up to half of the car's resale value, though some will go higher.
In general terms, boron-enhanced fuels offer up to 140% the energy density of plain JP-4 in terms of both weight and volume.
This new release's four outings each offer up something different; from the tick-tock wonky to the deep-lying and mildly threatening.
In addition, motherboards offer, at most, 7 slots while backplanes can offer up to 20 slots.
I humbly offer up the above in a friendly spirit of debate and as food for thought.
While other digitizers offer up to four points of contact, two points adequately covers the basics like zoom and scroll.

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