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Übersetzungen für retell im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The self-manifesto song's lyrics are written like a biography retelling her mishaps.
He was also forced into retelling his experience many times in his life.
It then rewinds to retell the events leading to this scene.
They each go back to their friends, retelling the conversation in their head, until they realize that they do love each other.
He retells the story of how he was cheated in the poker game.
It was accompanied by a 24-line poem, retelling the fable and reflecting upon it.
A play written for children retells the story; it is occasionally performed by school children of the region.
The sisters retell the story, changing it to end with the little man's death.
Their work attempts to reclaim history by retelling it, and primarily through the perspective of the defeated, as opposed to the victors.
Other variations include the detail that no one is able to retell the story since they die after hearing it.

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