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surf·ing [ˈsɜ:fɪŋ, Am ˈsɜ:r-] SUBST no pl

surfing (windsurfing)

ˈego surf·ing SUBST no pl, no Art INET

ˈnet surf·ing SUBST no pl

net surfing
net surfing

ˈsky-surf·ing [ˈskaɪsɜ:fɪŋ, Am -sɜ:rf-] SUBST no pl SPORT

ˈchan·nel surf·ing SUBST no pl Am TV (channel hopping)

ˈsofa surf·ing SUBST ugs

I . surf [sɜ:f, Am sɜ:rf] SUBST

II . surf [sɜ:f, Am sɜ:rf] VERB intr

1. surf (on surfboard):

to go surfing

2. surf (windsurf):

I . ˈchan·nel-surf VERB intr

II . ˈchan·nel-surf VERB trans

ˈsurf-rid·ing SUBST no pl

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

Internet surfing
to go surfing

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

His favorites hobbies apart from sailing are: cycling, snowboarding, surfing.
The company intends to add lacrosse, softball, surfing, skateboarding and volleyball content in the near future, as well as expand its international footprint.
These are often seen as a lifestyle statement associated with surfing or other extreme sports.
He enjoys extreme martial arts, advanced stunting, motocross, surfing, skateboarding, hip-hop dancing, singing, and playing guitar.
Artificial surfing reefs are a variation of a long existing type of coastal structure known as a submerged breakwater.
He loves lifting, a sport similar to surfing but with trapar, a substance abundant throughout the air, as the medium.
It has a surfing beach with summer beach houses and 14 permanent residents.
Apart from the possibilities for water sports (sailing, surfing, rowing, canoeing, fishing and diving), two passenger ships ply the lake at the moment.
When it opened, the north shore was a sleepy place with wide expanses of beach that were little known outside of the surfing world.
The municipality is a popular surfing spot among surfers worldwide.

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