dog tag im Oxford Spanish Dictionary

Übersetzungen für dog tag im Englisch»Spanisch-Wörterbuch

dog1 [Am dɔɡ, Brit dɒɡ] SUBST

1.1. dog ZOOL:

perro m / perra f
to put on the dog Am ugs
to put on the dog Am ugs
darse pisto Esp ugs
to put on the dog Am ugs
mandarse la(s) parte(s) CSur ugs
give a dog a bad name (and hang it) Brit

dog2 <Part Präs dogging; Past, Past Part dogged> VERB trans

dog tag im PONS Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für dog tag im Englisch»Spanisch-Wörterbuch [dɒg, Am dɑ:g] -gg- SUBST [dɒg, Am dɑ:g] -gg- VERB trans (pursue)

Amerikanisches Englisch

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It's an old idea, but it works: every time a player dies, they drop a dog tag.
You'll hit milestones every 10 levels, unlocking a new dog tag customisation option.
Usually a dog-licence identifying number is issued to the owner, along with a dog tag bearing the identifier and a contact number for the registering organization.
One is captured, who refuses to talk, and offers only a dog tag as identification.
They would also need to be microchipped and required to wear a dangerous dog tag.
The device can be easily attached to a keyring or dog tag chain using the small punched hole.
A couple of years ago, the long-lost dog tag was discovered in the undergrowth where an airstrip had once been.
This includes $100,000 budgeted for new revenues for summer ice rentals and $45,000 for dog tag licences.
It seems to have had personal details (acting to identify a body the same way a modern dog tag does) with a seal or stamp to authenticate it.
Tex agrees to join them, but not before discreetly pocketing a dog tag that she was keeping in her locker.

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