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I . cur·ry1 [ˈkʌri, Am ˈkɜ:ri] SUBST

Curry nt o m <-s, -s>
Rindfleisch-/Lamm-/Gemüsecurry nt o m
chicken curry
curry paste

II . cur·ry1 <-ie-> [ˈkʌri, Am ˈkɜ:ri] VERB trans

cur·ry2 <-ie-> [ˈkʌri, Am ˈkɜ:ri] VERB trans


to curry favour [with sb]

ˈcur·ry-comb SUBST

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

curry powder
chicken curry
curry paste
to curry a horse
hot/medium/mild curry
Rindfleisch-/Lamm-/Gemüsecurry nt o m
to curry favour [with sb]

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It may be done either at the beginning of the cooking, as in curries, or at the end as for (pulses).
The dark brown variety is used in certain curries, pilaus and biryanis and the inner seeds are often used for making garam masala.
Usually, meat and fish are the main ingredients for popular curries.
Rice is usually consumed with one or more curries.
It is suggested that the legs not be washed, as the hooves deteriorate from daily washing, but should simply be rubbed and curried by hand.

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