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Übersetzungen für encroachment im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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en·croach·ment [ɪnˈkrəʊtʃmənt, Am enˈkroʊ-] SUBST

1. encroachment:

encroachment (incursion) on
Übergriff m <-(e)s, -e> auf +Akk
encroachment (interference) on
Eingriff m <-s, -e> in +Akk
encroachment (intrusion) on
an encroachment on human rights

2. encroachment (gradual approach):

the encroachment of old age

3. encroachment (on time):

Beanspruchung f <-, -en>

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

the encroachment of old age
an encroachment on human rights

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Much has been lost to mining and other encroachments.
Many parents opposed the cuts, while trustees criticized the cap as an encroachment on the autonomy of their boards.
Here it must be supposed, it undergoes continuing decline due to habitat loss through the encroachment of farms, which are known to be spreading.
Encroachment by people along the periphery has also led to a diminished forest cover and a loss of habitat.
Its decline appears to be due to human habitation encroachment and introduced mammals.
Because they need larger amounts of land than other sympatric terrestrial mammals, they are the first to be affected by human encroachment.
Their presence diminished as contact with colonists led to illnesses and loss of their traditional lands through encroachment.
The encroachment continued until hostilities broke out in 1675.
The land was then registered as village green to protect the green for the future from encroachment and erosion.
Efforts are underway to re-fix the missing pillars in order to prevent further encroachments.

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