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I . pa·trol <-ll-> [pəˈtrəʊl, Am -ˈtroʊl] VERB intr

III . pa·trol [pəˈtrəʊl, Am -ˈtroʊl] SUBST

pa·ˈtrol boat SUBST

pa·ˈtrol car SUBST

patrol car

pa·ˈtrol duty SUBST

patrol duty
Streifendienst m <-(e)s, -e>

pa·ˈtrol of·fic·er SUBST Am, Aus

patrol officer
Streifenbeamte(r)(-beamtin) m (f)

pa·ˈtrol wag·on SUBST Am, Aus

ˈshore pa·trol SUBST

ˈtraf·fic pa·trol SUBST

border patrol (officer) [ˌbɔːdəpəˈtrəʊl]

school crossing patrol VSICH


Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

highway patrol Am
to be on patrol [or Brit also on a patrol]
to go on patrol
to patrol the streets

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The squadron performed antisubmarine patrols in 1942 and 1943.
Divisions between patrols may disappear during an event which only a small part of the troop attends.
The patrol lasted 27 days, the longest of her career.
These patrols are on campus and in the neighborhoods which the university is located in.
He divided the boys into four groups and established the patrol method.
A day before the rebellion took place the governor had mounted specific patrols in the city.
The other men involved in the patrol and first raising have all died.
There are even some patrol officers in rollerskates.
Each patrol boat has a standard ship's company of 21 personnel, with a maximum of 29.
The patrol specials are one of only few security police of their kind in the nation.

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