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Übersetzungen für strife im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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strife [straɪf] SUBST no pl

civ·il ˈstrife SUBST JUR, POL

civil strife

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The natural attempts to flee strife, or escape a conquering enemy, can quickly lead to millions of refugees.
As a result, this external threat would counter the domestic strife and ensure the leader's position in power.
They added that he returned with trouble and strife in tow.
The episodes were individually themed on global crimes and political strife.
In the aftermath of civil strife and revolution, it was a welcome opportunity to preach civil concord.
Feudal strife led to the formation of independent states.
During the civil strife of the 1980s into the early 2000s much of the countys infrastructure was looted and left unmaintained.
As his surviving brothers fell to violent strife over his possessions, the bishop encountered great difficulties.
Civil strife includes revolutions, civil wars, state failures, coup dtats, and riots.
The literature during this period is marked by political strife, which dominated the essay and treatise genres.

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