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I . about-ˈturn Brit SUBST

1. about-turn esp MILIT (reversal):

Kehrtwendung f <-, -en>

2. about-turn (change of opinion):

II . about-ˈturn Brit VERB intr MILIT

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

They carried out their turn about too early.
This gives an average space fighter a 2.5 second turning speed (for 180 degrees) and could turn about 30 times before running out of fuel.
Its propulsion consists of steerable, electrically powered water jets, allowing it to navigate in all directions, as well as turn about its vertical axis.
This means that it has an axis of discrete rotational symmetry: any 120 turn about this axis will leave the surface looking exactly the same.
All parts of a rigid merry-go-round or turntable turn about the axis of rotation in the same amount of time.
We must turn and turn about.
If a rotating component, such as a drill chuck, does not hold the drill centrally then as it rotates the rotating drill will turn about a secondary axis.
Strong updrafts lift the air turning about a horizontal axis and cause this air to turn about a vertical axis.
Units can also turn about using one movement point.
The commander orders them to turn about face, and salutes them in a farewell as they march back into the tunnel.

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