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chemi·cal ˈweap·on SUBST

nu·clear ˈweap·on SUBST

nuclear weapon
Atomwaffe f <-, -n>

of·fen·sive ˈweap·on SUBST MILIT

offensive weapon
Offensivwaffe f <-, -n>

se·cret ˈweap·on SUBST also übtr

secret weapon
Geheimwaffe f <-, -n> a. übtr

ˈspace weap·on SUBST

space weapon
Weltraumwaffe f <-, -n>

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Picking up chips causes the player's current weapon to level-up, to a maximum of six.
The closest thing we had to a weapon in our tribal office was a fly swatter.
This means the weapon must be at level 5 or 6 for the ship to survive two hits.
The lack of nets in "retiarius" images may show gladiators who have already lost the weapon in the fight.
One of the 14-inch torpedo tubes was replaced with a 15 in weapon.
Weapons are unique to each character and require sharpening in towns that have blacksmiths.
The spear is a primitive weapon, so is the bow.
The expansion includes new weapon upgrades and defense platforms, including modular starbases.
The round laser, the most unusual weapon presented in this game, fires concentric rings of laser origination.
In all countries are subject the employments, operating conditions and employment regulations of the weapon divers to the secrecy.

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