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I . se·cret [ˈsi:krət] SUBST

2. secret übtr (special knack):

Geheimnis nt <-ses, -se> übtr
the secret of success
the secret of success

3. secret übtr (hidden thing):

Geheimnis nt <-ses, -se> übtr

II . se·cret [ˈsi:krət] ADJ

1. secret:

secret (known to few people)
secret (known to few people)
secret (hidden)
secret door
Geheimtür f <-, -en>
secret recipe
Geheimrezept nt <-(e)s, -e>

secret ADJ MKT-WB


ˈbank·ing se·cret SUBST

banking secret
Bankgeheimnis nt <-ses, -se>

busi·ness ˈse·cret SUBST

of·fi·cial ˈse·cret SUBST Brit also iron

open ˈse·cret SUBST

se·cret ˈagent SUBST

secret agent
Geheimagent(in) m (f) <-en, -en; -, -nen>

se·cret ˈbal·lot SUBST

se·cret po·ˈlice SUBST + pl Verb

secret police
Geheimpolizei f <-, -en>

se·cret ˈser·vice SUBST usu Sg

secret service
Geheimdienst m <-(e)s, -e>

Se·cret ˈSer·vice SUBST no pl Am

se·cret so·ˈci·ety SUBST

secret society
Geheimbund m <-(e)s, -bünde>

se·cret ˈweap·on SUBST also übtr

secret weapon
Geheimwaffe f <-, -n> a. übtr

top ˈse·cret ADJ

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

in secret
state secret also übtr
secret diplomacy
secret staircase
secret hideout
open secret
secret admirer
secret door
Geheimtür f <-, -en>
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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This knowledge frequently gives firms their competitive edge in the market and it has to be kept as a secret.
The recipe is a closely guarded secret, but we do know that it has a tomato base, augmented by malt vinegar, dates, tamarind and rye flour.
In preparation to his unstoppable scheme, he transformed a certain part under his house into a secret dungeon with a repository of shackles.
And then a courteous smile, a nod of the head, and a knowing look, as if he and the onlookers were sharing some special secret.
A trade secret is information that is intentionally kept confidential and that provides a competitive advantage to its possessor.
A negotiating team is in secret talks about financing a local mining company to be owned by the Guinean state.
We have all sorts of amazing hardware being delivered to our art sheds and everything is being kept top secret.
The secret of true and lasting love, these songs seem to suggest, is the cultivation of a childlike coziness, trust and intimacy.
Jae-wan is dumbfounded by this revelation and chooses to keep the secret to himself.
This, in essence, is the secret of the holiness and the true success of the saints.

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