hold on im PONS Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für hold on im Englisch»Bulgarisch-Wörterbuch

I.hold [həʊld, Am hoʊld] SUBST

II.hold <held, held> [həʊld, Am hoʊld] VERB trans

1. on (not off):

Siehe auch: onto, off

onto, on to [ˈɒntʊ, ˈɒntə, Am ˈɑːntuː, ˈɑːntə] PREP

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

With this threat eliminated he collapsed and despite being paralyzed from the waist down, encouraged his men to hold on.
It's easy to hold on to all the incidents that angered you, from a gossiping hairdresser to a two-timing ex-husband.
Press and hold on an app, then drag it on to another app.
If you hold on to a new vehicle for eight years, it all adds up to fuel savings worth $9,504 - until trade-in time arrives.
Maybe our father or an ex-partner was over-cautious, so we have negative associations about people who hold on to money.
Having four wives, a gambling habit and a susceptibility to confidence tricksters, he did not hold on to the money he made.
We may already have a firm hold on the purse strings, so why not learn to hold them right?
But resist the urge to hold on so tightly to the past that you choke off new life.
Incidentally, the public involved, including the students, convinced them to hold on.
But we needn't hold on to these things.

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