vote im Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary

Übersetzungen für vote im Englisch»Französisch-Wörterbuch [Brit vəʊt, Am voʊt] SUBST out VERB [Brit vəʊt -, Am voʊt -] (vote [sb/sth] out, vote out [sb/sth])

vote im PONS Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für vote im Englisch»Französisch-Wörterbuch (Springe zu Französisch»Englisch) [vəʊt, Am voʊt] SUBST

Übersetzungen für vote im Französisch»Englisch-Wörterbuch (Springe zu Englisch»Französisch)

Weitere Übersetzungen und typische Wortverbindungen mit dem Suchbegriff

vote Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

to put sth to the vote
to vote on who/how/when...
to put sth to a vote
to turn out to vote
to vote by a show of hands
to vote by a show of hands
Amerikanisches Englisch

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The names were to be selected by vote of the company members.
A single vote for only one of the candidates was known as a plumper, and was particularly valued by politicians.
The constitution provides that henceforth the president will be elected by popular vote from at least two candidates selected by the legislature.
He came in third in the 2010 presidential election receiving 8.3% of the vote.
In the suburbs, his supporters, many of whom were ineligible to vote, withdrew the horses and dragged their candidate through the streets in triumph.
Upon arrival at the bike shows, the general public in attendance could view the bikes and vote their preference between the two.
Each member owns one share, which provides its owner with one vote in company decision-making.
The mayor can veto ordinances, which can be overridden with a 2/3 vote of the council.
At the 1999 vote over a safe injecting room trial, he was pressured to hold the party line and considered leaving politics altogether.
A man does not lose his vote by letting his house furnished during a part of the qualifying period not exceeding 4 months in the whole.

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