line im Oxford-Paravia Italian Dictionary

Übersetzungen für line im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch

I.line1 [Brit lʌɪn, Am laɪn] SUBST

1. line:

line (mark)
line (mark)
line (mark)
line KUNST
line SPORT (on pitch, court)
line MATH
line and colour KUNST
a solid, broken line
a single, double line
to draw or rule a line
to put a line through sth
to cross the line SPORT athlete:
the starting line SPORT
the line AB (in geometry)

2. line (row):

line (of people, cars)
fila f (of di)
line (of trees)
line (of trees)
serie f (of di)
to stand in a line
get into (a) line!
to form a line people:
please form a line
she is fifth in line

14. line (conformity):

to fall into line
to keep sb in line
you're way out of line! ugs

line2 [Brit lʌɪn, Am laɪn] VERB trans (add layer)

line3 [Brit lʌɪn, Am laɪn] SUBST

line4 [Brit lʌɪn, Am laɪn] VERB trans selten (copulate)

laughter line [ˈlɑːftəˌlaɪn, ˈlæf-], laugh line [ˈlɑːfˌlaɪn, ˈlæf-] SUBST

isoseismal line [ˌaɪsəˈsaɪzməlˌlaɪn], isoseismic line [ˌaɪsə-ˈsaɪzmɪkˌlaɪn] SUBST

bar line [Brit, Am ˈbɑr ˌlaɪn] SUBST MUS

dotted line [Brit, Am ˌdɑdəd ˈlaɪn] SUBST

line im PONS Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für line im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch

line Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

to be/stay on the line
to be the last line of defense übtr
to come out with a new line
to do a line of cocaine
the bottom line line is that übtr
andare sulle -e übtr

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In 1929, he assumed the role of player-coach, still playing the line on both offense and defense and dropping back to punt.
The rail line exited the city in a southwesterly direction.
Through the years, the band has experienced many line-up changes.
However, the line has higher operating costs and a significantly higher carbon footprint than if it were electrified.
The line of demarcation between legitimate ruses and forbidden acts of perfidy is sometimes indistinct.
However, especially since the advent of widespread word processing, there is a broad consensus on these operational definitions (and hence the bottom-line integer result).
The assembly line system greatly improved efficiency, both in this and other industries.
The story line is telegraphed from word one and the meticulous unfolding plot plods ahead inexorably without the slightest bit of suspense.
Guests lie on their stomach on the toboggan style mat as they race to the finish line.
Third, the longer and more discontinuous a line of reasoning, the weaker our belief in the conclusion.

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