hold im Oxford-Paravia Italian Dictionary

Übersetzungen für hold im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch

I.hold1 <Past held, Part Perf held, holden arch> [Brit həʊld, Am hoʊld] VERB trans

II.hold1 <Past held, Part Perf held, holden arch> [Brit həʊld, Am hoʊld] VERB intr

to hold oneself <Past held, Part Perf held, holden arch >:

IV.hold1 [Brit həʊld, Am hoʊld] SUBST

hold2 [Brit həʊld, Am hoʊld] SUBST

II.hold out VERB [həʊld -] (hold [sth] out, hold out [sth])

II.hold back VERB [həʊld -] (hold [sb, sth] back, hold back [sb, sth])

hold in VERB [həʊld -] (hold [sth] in, hold in [sth])

II.hold off VERB [həʊld -] (hold [sb] off, hold off [sb])

hold im PONS Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für hold im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch

hold Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

to hold an account (with a bank)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

His first one-man exhibition followed two years later - he was to hold more than 100 one-man exhibitions during his painting career.
Deadline got a hold of the report, which provides evidence of how deliberately calculated the costs and expenses of a studio film can be.
Ask what positions they hold in the company, and they look at each other blankly.
Sometimes, orangutans will strip leaves from a branch and hold them in front of their mouth when making the sound.
New third-generation bearings can hold over 9,000 times their weight, at extremely high speeds.
She is the first female magician in history to hold this position.
Together they hold responsibility for student admissions as well as helping students through daily life, such as UCAS and employment issues.
He got hold of the rocket launcher which was near him, and fired at one of the tanks.
A decision was also made in the legislature to hold a plebiscite to establish a compulsory egg marketing board.
They don't hold legal title to the land itself, but their ownership of knowledge about the land is indisputable.

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