low-grade im Oxford-Paravia Italian Dictionary

Übersetzungen für low-grade im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch (Springe zu Italienisch»Englisch)

low-grade [Brit ˈləʊɡreɪd, Am ˈloʊ ˌɡreɪd] ADJ

I.grade [Brit ɡreɪd, Am ɡreɪd] SUBST

II.grade [Brit ɡreɪd, Am ɡreɪd] VERB trans

Übersetzungen für low-grade im Italienisch»Englisch-Wörterbuch (Springe zu Englisch»Italienisch)

febbriciattola [febbriˈtʃattola] SUBST f

I.mediocre [meˈdjɔkre] ADJ

II.mediocre [meˈdjɔkre] SUBST mf (persona)

qualità <Pl qualità> [kwaliˈta] SUBST f

low-grade im PONS Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für low-grade im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch (Springe zu Italienisch»Englisch)

Übersetzungen für low-grade im Italienisch»Englisch-Wörterbuch (Springe zu Englisch»Italienisch)

Weitere Übersetzungen und typische Wortverbindungen mit dem Suchbegriff

low-grade Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The community's historical association with coal mining began in 1873, after the discovery of low-grade coal in the local area.
He also found himself sleeping more often and suffered from a low-grade fever.
Radiotherapy may also be administered in cases of low-grade gliomas, when a significant tumor burden reduction could not be achieved surgically.
Histologically they resemble low-grade fibrosarcomas, but they are very locally aggressive and tend to recur even after complete resection.
In children under 2, about 70% of brain tumors are medulloblastoma, ependymoma, and low-grade glioma.
The material resembles domestic compost and can be used as such or to make low-grade building products, such as fibreboard.
The first is a prepulseless inflammatory stage with nonspecific symptoms such as fatigue, arthralgias, and low-grade fevers.
These deposits have also undergone commercialization attempts; they are also resources for natural gas and have been mined for low-grade oil shale.
Near atmospheric operation permits corrosion free and scale-resistant polypropylene construction, and also allows the use of low-grade heat to drive the process.
Patients diagnosed with a low-grade glioma are 17 times as likely to die as matched patients in the general population.

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