till im Oxford-Paravia Italian Dictionary

Übersetzungen für till im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch (Springe zu Italienisch»Englisch)

Siehe auch: until

I.until [Brit ənˈtɪl, Am ˌənˈtɪl] PRÄP When used as a preposition in positive sentences, until is translated by fino a or sino a: they're staying until Monday = rimarranno fino/sino a lunedì. Remember that, if a definite article form follows fino a, a is modified according to the number and gender of the following noun: until the right moment = fino al momento giusto until the break of war = fino allo scoppio della guerra until the end = fino alla fine until next year = fino all'anno prossimo until dawn = fino all'alba until next exams = fino ai prossimi esami until the eighties = fino agli anni ottanta until next holidays = fino alle prossime vacanze. - In negative sentences not until is translated by non…fino a: I can't see you until Friday = non posso vederti fino a venerdì. - When used as a conjunction, until is translated by finché (non) or fino a quando: we'll stay here until Maya comes back = rimarremo qui finché (non) / fino a quando torna Maya; don't speak a word until I tell you = non dire una parola finché non te lo dico io. - In negative sentences where the two verbs have the same subject, not until is translated by prima di + infinitive: we won't leave until we've seen Claire = non ce ne andremo prima di avere visto Claire. - For more examples and particular usages, see this entry.

1. until:

fino a, sino a

II.until [Brit ənˈtɪl, Am ˌənˈtɪl] KONJ till

till2 [Brit tɪl, Am tɪl] SUBST

till4 [Brit tɪl, Am tɪl] SUBST

service till [ˈsɜːvɪsˌtɪl] SUBST Brit

I.until [Brit ənˈtɪl, Am ˌənˈtɪl] PRÄP When used as a preposition in positive sentences, until is translated by fino a or sino a: they're staying until Monday = rimarranno fino/sino a lunedì. Remember that, if a definite article form follows fino a, a is modified according to the number and gender of the following noun: until the right moment = fino al momento giusto until the break of war = fino allo scoppio della guerra until the end = fino alla fine until next year = fino all'anno prossimo until dawn = fino all'alba until next exams = fino ai prossimi esami until the eighties = fino agli anni ottanta until next holidays = fino alle prossime vacanze. - In negative sentences not until is translated by non…fino a: I can't see you until Friday = non posso vederti fino a venerdì. - When used as a conjunction, until is translated by finché (non) or fino a quando: we'll stay here until Maya comes back = rimarremo qui finché (non) / fino a quando torna Maya; don't speak a word until I tell you = non dire una parola finché non te lo dico io. - In negative sentences where the two verbs have the same subject, not until is translated by prima di + infinitive: we won't leave until we've seen Claire = non ce ne andremo prima di avere visto Claire. - For more examples and particular usages, see this entry.

1. until:

fino a, sino a

II.until [Brit ənˈtɪl, Am ˌənˈtɪl] KONJ till

Übersetzungen für till im Italienisch»Englisch-Wörterbuch (Springe zu Englisch»Italienisch)

till im PONS Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für till im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch (Springe zu Italienisch»Englisch)

Übersetzungen für till im Italienisch»Englisch-Wörterbuch (Springe zu Englisch»Italienisch)

Weitere Übersetzungen und typische Wortverbindungen mit dem Suchbegriff
to till

till Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

till all hours

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

She examines the individual compartments of his unusually well-organized closet till she discovers a photograph of him with another woman.
He never recovered but worked on under increasing debility and strain till he died in 1951, still only 53 years of age.
Heat the remaining ghee and roast flour over medium heat till the colour of the flour changes to golden brown and the ghee starts separating.
The locomotive had a traction power of 5514 kW and was used in revenue service till 1975.
The wings of the scaffold opened wide till they covered the square from side to side; and the monster cross-beam, looking down, cast its shadow across the town.
He then resumed his task, and never said another word till the tree was down.
He discharged his new duties with energy and kept up his episcopal visitations till his eightieth year.
The stream bed is composed mostly of sand with some glacial till, hard clay, and mud.
The customer then takes this receipt to a nearby sales clerk, who then exchanges it for cash from the till.
Don't till by that river or sow there (Deuteronomy 21:4) 493.

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