housemaster im Oxford Spanish Dictionary

Übersetzungen für housemaster im Englisch»Spanisch-Wörterbuch

Siehe auch: house <pl houses [ˈhaʊzəz]> SUBST [Am haʊs, Brit haʊs]

1.1. house (dwelling): INTERJ [Am haʊs, Brit haʊs] Brit

Amerikanisches Englisch

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In addition to the housemaster and house-tutor, each house has a house prefect and a house elder, elected from students of the most senior year.
Each house has a housemaster responsible for the care of the boys.
The housemaster and boys have an opportunity to make announcements during house meetings; the boys get the opportunity to voice the views and express grievances.
Each house is run by a housemaster, who is also an active member of the teaching staff.
The key pastoral care team includes the headmaster and his wife, the housemaster, the matrons and school nurse, and the form tutors, almost all of whom live on site.
The housemaster is responsible for the supervision and care of boarders in the house and typically lives on the premises.
It contains 10 boys houses, each headed by a housemaster, selected from the more senior members of the teaching staff, who number some 60.
This could be quite confusing when the housemaster changed, so in 1945 the present system was introduced.
Each is headed by a housemaster, selected from the members of the teaching staff.
In the past, the matron was sometimes the wife of the housemaster.

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