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I . slack·en [ˈslækən] VERB trans

1. slacken (make less tight):

to slacken the reins/a rope
to slacken one's grip [or hold]
to slacken sail NAUT

II . slacken off VERB trans

to slacken off sth
to slacken off sth speed

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Cracks caused by stretching or slackening the canvas are quite different from cracks due to other factors, such as drying and ageing of the paint.
This slightly slackens the inferior fibres of the glenohumeral ligament, allowing an abduction of 90.
When the fighting did slacken, all of the officers were carried back to the redoubt by the seven men who could still walk.
It resists high or low temperatures, does not swell or shrink and the movement does not slacken or damage the fabric.
Once he slackens his speed, down he begins to fall.
When the power of the pen looks like slackening, he uses the hands that push the pen, so to say.
After slackening in the early 1980, growth was restored through the introduction of casinos, vigorous advertising campaigns, and more competitive pricing.
For the final year of the war, the repair ship engaged in round-the-clock work schedules which seldom slackened.
Do not fail to sound the hooter and slacken speed when coming to a cross road.
Placed under high tension, they are subject to repeated blows, they are stretched and slackened during tuning and are still expected to last for decades.

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