send down im PONS Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für send down im Englisch»Serbisch-Wörterbuch

send <sent, sent> [send] VERB trans

I.down1 [daʊn] ADV

II.down1 [daʊn] PRÄP

III.down1 <more down, most down> [daʊn] ADJ

V.down1 [daʊn] SUBST

VI.down1 [daʊn] INTERJ

down2 [daʊn] SUBST kein Pl (soft feathers)

down3 [daʊn] SUBST esp Brit

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It will send down a clear message and have a salutary effect on others.
I will water the peak and send down a torrent from the ninth heaven!
After fifty hours, a call reached the surface to send down ladders because eight men had been located.
Does not bowl as much as he used to but can send down some useful overs to relieve the quicks.
Our response immediately was to send down an inspector and a deputy chief building official to go see what happened.
We do have a tractor trailer here that we hope to fill up with supplies and send down that way.
Smith would also like the opportunity to send down a few overs of spin himself.
After the satellite completes a circle around the globe, it returns to the same location to send down another radar wave and take another measurement.
But on a day when he only had to send down 13.4 overs, his body felt good and it was rewarded with wickets.
They travel between the stars in immense living ships, and send down smaller ships as shuttles and to plant living communities.

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