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Übersetzungen für dispersal im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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dis·per·sal [dɪˈspɜ:səl, Am -pɜ:r-] SUBST no pl

1. dispersal of a crowd:

dispersal (scattering)
Zerstreuung f <-, -en>
dispersal (scattering)
Auflösung f <-, -en>
dispersal (migration)
Verbreitung f <-, -en>

4. dispersal BOT:

Ausbreitung f <-, -en>

wind dispersal [ˈwɪnd dɪˌspɜːsl] SUBST

wind dispersal

conditions for dispersal UMWELT


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In case of danger, another pheromone is released which causes dispersal.
The fact that they are extended only when conditions are dry means that successful spore dispersal is more likely.
This nuthatch is largely resident apart from some post-breeding dispersal.
The seed dispersal unit (where the seeds will fall), timing of dispersal, and density of seed fall (how much will be produced).
It may not have been able to move north in the postglacial warming, due to poor dispersal abilities.
The species is presumed to be secure due to high populations and wide dispersal in its range.
Dispersal is primarily by birds although mammals are attracted by the sweet fruit and likely play a role in local dispersal.
Secondly, the seed dispersal is carried out by mammalians or fishes.
The main mode of spore dispersal is the wind but the disease also spreads through the use of infected cuttings.
Reproduction and dispersal of vascular plants in these dry conditions was achieved through the evolution of specialized seed structures.

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