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muck [mʌk] SUBST no pl Brit

1. muck:

muck (dirt)
Dreck m <-(e)s> ugs
muck (waste)
Müll m <-(e)s>
muck (waste)
Kehricht m <-s> CH
[to be] common as muck ugs
to treat sb like muck

2. muck euph LANDW:

muck (excrement)
Haufen m <-s, -> ugs
muck (excrement)
muck (excrement)
Dung m <-(e)s>
muck (liquid)
Jauche f <-, -n>
muck (liquid)
Gülle f <-> CH
dog muck

3. muck abw ugs:

muck (sth worthless)
Mist m <-es> ugs
muck (food)
Fraß m <-es, -e> abw
muck (show, pop music)
Mist m <-es> ugs
muck (show, pop music)
Krampf m <-(e)s, Krạ̈mp·fe> ugs
to make a muck of sth


where there's muck, there's brass Sprichw

Lady ˈMuck SUBST no pl Brit abw ugs

I . muck about, muck around ugs VERB intr

muck in VERB intr Brit ugs

I . muck out VERB trans

to muck out sth

II . muck out VERB intr

muck out
ausmisten ugs

muck up VERB trans Brit ugs

to muck up sth
etw vermasseln ugs [o. sl verbocken] [o. regionalugs verhauen]
to muck up an exam
eine Prüfung versieben ugs [o. regional verhauen]

ˈmuck-up SUBST ugs

Fehlschlag m <-(e)s, -schläge>
Reinfall m ugs

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

dog muck
[to be] common as muck ugs
to treat sb like muck
to mix and muck in
to muck up an exam
eine Prüfung versieben ugs [o. regional verhauen]
where there's muck, there's brass Sprichw
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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Shrub swamps typically occur on organic soils, such as muck and shallow peat soils.
Before its invention, wet country roads became muck and were often nearly impassable.
During the usual dry periods the dam level can range from half-full to nothing more than a stagnant puddle of muck.
The conditions in the muck preserved the wood and other objects, including those made with bone, fiber, gum, rawhide and gut.
Over the decades, this condition caused the sandy bottom lake to be covered by a deep layer of muck.
Muck raking was probably his main comedic attribute, as well as the fact that his party got such few votes in the election.
Over time, a thin layer of filter cake (called muck) accumulates on the lint filter.
The lake's water clarity has historically been low, and its bottom composition is 40% sand, 20% gravel, 10% rock, 30% muck.
The muck stack from the pit is clearly visible throughout the village.
Note the particles of sand and muck stuck to the surface.

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