ferret out im Oxford-Paravia Italian Dictionary

Übersetzungen für ferret out im Italienisch»Englisch-Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für ferret out im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch

I.ferret1 [Brit ˈfɛrɪt, Am ˈfɛrət] SUBST ZOOL

II.ferret1 <forma in -ing ferretting, Past, Part Perf ferretted> [Brit ˈfɛrɪt, Am ˈfɛrət] VERB intr

ferret2 [Brit ˈfɛrɪt, Am ˈfɛrət] SUBST

I.out [Brit aʊt, Am aʊt] ADV Out is used after many verbs in English to alter or reinforce the meaning of the verb (hold out, wipe out, filter out etc.). Very often in Italian, a verb alone will be used to translate those combinations; for translations you should consult the appropriate verb entry (hold , wipe, filter etc.). - When out is used as an adverb meaning outside, it often adds little to the sense of the phrase: they're out in the garden = they're in the garden; in such cases out will not usually be translated: sono in giardino. - Out is used as an adverb to mean absent or not at home. In this case she's out really means she's gone out and the Italian translation is: è uscita. - For the phrase out of, see II1 in this entry. - For examples of the above and other uses, see this entry.

IV.out [Brit aʊt, Am aʊt] SUBST ugs (means of escape, excuse)

ferret out im PONS Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für ferret out im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Opponents counter that attorneys can not always ferret out actionable evidence of juror bias, particularly in the context of a limited voir dire.
It also provides a method for documenting and routing system changes to ferret out potential problems with a change before the change is implemented in the organizations systems.
They also ferret out issues related to consistency, clarity, readability, logic and organization, and flag possible factual errors.
He has called for a deeper dive into the whole criminal justice system, from arrest to sentencing, to ferret out whether larger disparities exist.
This is what you ferret out when you learn what's in his regulations.
Besides these agency investigations, several congressional hearings were held to ferret out the facts of the convoluted program.
This is the most comprehensive and coherent roadmap yet designed by any government to help avert and ferret out incidents or acts of corruption.
But that can make it difficult for the public to ferret out details when something goes wrong.
Inside were checklists of symptoms which you could use to ferret out your own evidence.
Some are bringing in consultants to ferret out the skill-set gaps that will materialize.

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