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I . thumb [θʌm] SUBST

thumb (body part):

Daumen m <-s, ->

II . thumb [θʌm] VERB trans

1. thumb (hitchhike):

III . thumb [θʌm] VERB intr

1. thumb (glance through):

2. thumb (hitchhike):

green ˈthumb SUBST Am

thumb-ˈin·dex SUBST

thumb-ˈin·dexed ADJ

ˈthumb-print SUBST

1. thumb-print (impression):

Daumenabdruck m <-(e)s, -drücke>

2. thumb-print übtr (identifying feature):

ˈthumb typ·ing SUBST no pl

opposable thumb [əˌpəʊzəblˈθʌm] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

When in breeding condition, males develop nuptial pads on their thumbs, which are used to grip females during mating.
He is described as sallow and has a fondness for jewelsall his fingers and both thumbs are loaded with rings.
In most cases however, they were left twiddling their thumbs in their hiding spots, as the city's busy citizens took no notice.
They've given us every indication that once everything is signed off on this, they won't be twiddling their thumbs.
Thumbs down to the state's ham-handed handling of layoffs in various state departments last week.
I don't understand people who sit all day and do this (twiddles his thumbs).
Familiar symbolic gestures include the raised fist, bye-bye, and thumbs up.
This is a good debut where the footage is too long and the dream scenes stick out like sore thumbs.
The worst part, when something doesn't hit, is you know you'll have a lot of time twiddling your thumbs thinking about what's next.
Then they twiddle their thumbs, usually for so long that finally they're forced to spring into action.

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