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I . tuck [tʌk] SUBST

1. tuck:

tuck (pleat)
Abnäher m <-s, ->
tuck (ornament)
Biese f <-, -n>

2. tuck MED:

a tummy tuck

3. tuck no pl Brit dated (sweets):

CH, A a. Schleckereien pl

I . tuck in VERB trans

1. tuck in (fold):

to tuck in sth
to tuck in one's shirt

2. tuck in (put to bed):

to tuck in sb

3. tuck in ugs (hold in):

to tuck in one's tummy

tuck into VERB trans ugs

tuck up VERB trans

1. tuck up (fold):

2. tuck up Brit (put to bed):

to tuck up sb

ˈtuck-in SUBST Brit ugs

ˈtuck shop SUBST Brit dated

I . nip and ˈtuck ADV ugs (neck and neck)

II . nip and ˈtuck SUBST ugs

1. nip and tuck (surgery):

nip and tuck

2. nip and tuck (financially):

a nip here and a tuck there

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This allows re-suspension of the lateral and anterior thighs along with the traditional tummy tuck improvements.
She also tells of how she would tuck emeralds into her beehive hairdo or pack them into her son's nappies for smuggling.
In this position the kayaker will tuck their head in behind their leading arm, as they lean forward pressing their chest against the spray skirt.
I would pry the screen off of my bedroom window and tuck them in through the window.
A nice cosy bed to cuddle up in or a crate where they can tuck themselves away in and relax.
A facilitator will lead you to a camp bed, put a blanket over you, and tuck you in.
The lower body lift extends the tummy tuck incision completely around the lower torso.
Every evening, as if on cue, that heavy, wet blanket moves in to tuck the city to sleep.
When he had finished, she prepared to tuck it back into the stacks.
Deeply feeling people, these tenderhearted survivors quietly tuck away their tragedy and try to reclaim life, or some semblance thereof.

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